AFI-Very proud of ya(1996)
01. He who laughs last...
02. File 13
03. Wake-up call
04. Cult-status
05. Perfect fit
06. Advances in modern technology
07. Theory of revolution
08. This secret ninja
09. Soap-box derby
10. Aspirin free
11. Fishbowl
12. Charles atlas
13. Crop tub
14. Consult my lover
15. Take the test
16. Two of a kind
17. Shatty fatmas
18. Yurf rendenmeim
19. Cruise control
20. Modern epic
AFI - Miss murder
Hey Miss Murder, can I
Hey Miss Murder, can I
Make beauty stay if I
take my life?
With just a look they shook
And heavens bowed before him.
Simply a look can break your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky;
He left them all behind.
We're left to wonder why
He left us all behind.
Dreams of his crash won't pass
Oh, how they all adored him.
Beauty will last when spiraled down.
The stars that mystified
He left them all behind.
And how his children cry
He left us all behind.
What's the hook,the twist within this verbose mystery?
I would gladly bet my life upon it that the ghost you love. Your ray of light will fizzle out without hope.
We're the empty set just flowing through, wrapped in skin, ever
searching for what we were promised..
Reaching for that gold ring we'd never let go...
But who would ever let us put their filthy hands upon it?
[Chorus x2]
AFI - Love like winter
Warn your warmth to turn away
Here it's December, everyday
Press your lips to the sculptures
And surely you'll stay (love like winter)
For of sugar and ice.. I am made, I am made
It's in the blood, it's in the blood
I met my love before I was born
He wanted love. I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before
She exhales vanilla lace,
I barely dreamt her yesterday (yesterday…)
Read the lines in the mirror through the lipstick trace:
"Por Siempre."
She said, "It seems you're somewhere, far away"
To his face.
It's in the blood, it's in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
She wanted love, I taste of blood
She bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before
Love like winter… Oh… Oh…
Love like winter… winter… 3…4…
It's in the blood, it's in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
He wanted love, I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before
Davey Havok - zpěv (2zprava)
Jade Puget - kytara (2zleva)
Hunter Burgan - basovka (vpravo)
Adam Carson - bicí (vlevo)
Answer That and Stay Fashionable (1995)
Very Proud of Ya (1996)
Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes (1997)
Black Sails in the Sunset (1999)
The Art of Drowning (2000)
Sing the Sorrow (2003)
AFI (2004)
Decemberunderground (2006)
A.F.I. (A Fire Inside) vznikla (když se její členové nudili při skateboardu) v roce 1991 v sestavě Davey Havok, Markus Stopholese (kytara), Vic Chalker (basovka) a Adam Carson. Basák Vic byl později nahrazen Geoffem Kresgem, kterého později nahradil Hunterem Burganem. Stejně tak kytarista Sopholese byl nahrazen Jade Pugetem.
afi photos
Davey Havok
Jméno: Davey Havok
Narozen: 20.listopad 1975
Pravé jméno: David Marchand
Místo narození: Rochester NY
Pozice: zpěvák
Oblíbené kapely: Misfits, Minor Threat
- Davey Havok má spustu tetování,tedy pár velkých černých křídel na jeho zádech a planoucí srdce na jeho hrudi,dýky na jeho pravých a levých žebrech,černá srdce za oběmi uši,padající hvězdy na jeho obouch klíčních kostech,a na obouch rukách rukávy z halloweenskými obrázky s přímým odkazem na Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- Havok propůjčil svůj hlas The Nerve Agents,na jejich druhé vydání, Days of the White Owl na píseň "Jekyl and Hydeů
- Davey poskytl vokály pro The Offspring 4. a 5. album Ixnay on the Hombre Americana.
- Také poskytl několik zadních vokálů pro Tiger Army
- Vzpomíná se na něj v písničce Mattersville od NOFX ("At the end of my cul de sac/Davey Havok's house is painted black")
- Také poskytl zadní vokály pro Dance Hall Crashers v písničce "I Don't Wanna Behave", z alba Lockjaw.
- Vedle Jade Pugeta z AFI,je Havok zapojený v electronic side-project se jménem Blaqk Audio.
- Zpívá v písničce Blue Strip skupiny Fury 66
- Objevil se ve filmu Live Freaky Die Freaky a ve filmu Mary Jane's Not A Virgin Anymore .
- Havok je Italo-Američan
- Je vegetarián
- Má piercing ve rtu, v pravém rohu rtu již několik let.Také má "Monroe " piercing,ale jen krátkou dobu.Jeho piercingi v ušních lalůčcích mají kolem 1/2 palce.